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The first concrete evidence of soap making was found in ancient Rome,
at the ruins of Pompeii, where a soap factory was found with finished bars. While the Romans were famous for their public baths, the soap was too harsh for their skin.
So to clean the body, the Greeks and Romans would run olive oil and sand over themselves and with a scraper, called a strigil, they'd scraped off the mixture.
This process removed dirt, grease, and dead cells leaving the body naturally clean. Afterwards, the skin was rubbed down with salves prepared from herbs.


When you invest in a bar of natural soap, you're investing in not only softer,
and more beautiful looking skin, but in your overall health as well.  
Since more than 60 percent of anything we put on our skin is absorbed
into the body, buying natural products are just healthier for you. 


Truly natural soaps are super-fatted. This means extra oils are included
in the formula for the moisturizing benefit. It also means the glycerin
(the rich moisturizing byproduct of soap making) is stirred back into
the soap. Unlike chemically-derived, factory-made soaps were the
glycerin is removed which, leaves harsh chemicals behind. 


While factory-made soap is often cheaper, it's usually because the naturally-
derived ingredients used in natural soaps is replaced with less expensive chemicals. And while they may last longer, that's because the glycerine is removed

and therefore the super-fatted benefit is lost.


So buy natural...for your health!



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